Alaska Satellite Facility
The Alaska Satellite Facility is part of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, located on the Troth Yeddha’ campus.
- ASF downlinks, processes, archives, and distributes remote-sensing data to scientific users worldwide
- ASF promotes, facilitates, and participates in the advancement of remote sensing to support national and international Earth science research, field operations, and commercial applications
- ASF is committed to providing high-quality data and services quickly and reliably
- Coming Soon! NISAR — A dedicated NASA and ISRO SAR satellite mission, optimized for studying hazards and global environmental change. ASF will be the NISAR Data Hub!

Going to AGU 2024? Attend the NISAR Union Session
The NISAR Science Team invites you to attend the NISAR Union Session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2024, held in

NASA Earthdata Webinar to Unveil New Website Prototype and Web Unification Project
Join NASA for an exclusive Earthdata webinar where attendees will get a first look at the upcoming NASA Earthdata website

ARSET – An Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Its Applications
NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: An Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar
Scientist Spotlight

David Bekaert, Ph.D.
David Bekaert doesn’t much like the idea of a box. “It’s funny, because people always get boxed: Either you’re an engineer or you’re a

David Bekaert, Ph.D.
David Bekaert doesn’t much like the idea of a box. “It’s funny, because people always get boxed: Either you’re an engineer or you’re a scientist,”