Alaska Satellite Facility
The Alaska Satellite Facility is part of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, located on the Troth Yeddha’ campus.
- ASF downlinks, processes, archives, and distributes remote-sensing data to scientific users worldwide
- ASF promotes, facilitates, and participates in the advancement of remote sensing to support national and international Earth science research, field operations, and commercial applications
- ASF is committed to providing high-quality data and services quickly and reliably
- Coming Soon! NISAR — A dedicated NASA and ISRO SAR satellite mission, optimized for studying hazards and global environmental change. ASF will be the NISAR Data Hub!
What's New
Quick Links
- Data Recipes
- Cloud Computing Tutorials
- How to Create Cloud Storage Using AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)
- How to Create a Basic Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Instance
- How to Move files in and out of an AWS EC2 Instance – Windows
- How to Connect to EC2 with SSH Mac OS X
- How to Connect to your EC2 Instance using PuTTY V1.1
- How to Configure AWS for Running the GMT5SAR InSAR Recipe
- How to Create and Unwrap an Interferogram with GMT5SAR Script in the Cloud — Windows
- How to Create and Unwrap an Interferogram with GMT5SAR Script in the Cloud — OS X
- How to Automatically Generate a Radiometrically Terrain-Corrected (RTC) Sentinel-1 Image using Cloud Computing
- How to Create a Billing Alarm
- Contact Us
NASA Earthdata Webinar to Unveil New Website Prototype and Web Unification Project
Join NASA for an exclusive Earthdata webinar where attendees will get a first look at the upcoming NASA Earthdata website
SIR-C dataset landing page available
The Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC is excited to announce the launch of a new dataset landing page, providing access to
Scientist Spotlight
Zhong Lu, Ph.D.
Zhong Lu has a story about Syun-Ichi Akasofu, the groundbreaking aurora scientist and former director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute. It’s
Zhong Lu, Ph.D.
Zhong Lu has a story about Syun-Ichi Akasofu, the groundbreaking aurora scientist and former director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute. It’s a