Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA)
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CSLC-S1: Product Specification Document, Sample Product, and Interactive Guides
CSLC-S1 Product Specification Document
- The CSLC-S1 Product Specification document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-2 Coregistered Single-Look Complex (CSLC) product that uses Sentinel-1 SLC products as the primary image-based input. Accordingly, this data product is referred to by the short name CSLC-S1.
Interactive Guides
- Visualization Guide — Illustrates how users can manipulate products in the open-source QGIS software
- Jupyter Notebook Tutorials — Introductory guides written in a Jupyter Notebook environment that showcases select applications
- Tutorial 1: How to generate interferograms (without having to download OPERA CSLC-S1 products locally). This example is for the Ridgecrest Earthquake, California, USA, from July 2019.
CSLC-S1 Static Product Specification Document
- The CSLC-S1-Static Product Specification document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-2 Coregistered Single-Look Complex from Sentinel-1 (CSLC-S1) Static Layers (CSLC-S1-STATIC) product. It is distributed separately from the CSLC-S1 products, and is only produced once (or a limited amount of times) for CSLC-S1 products characterized by the same burst identification string, i.e., for all the Sentinel-1 bursts covering the same geographical area on the ground. The CSLC-S1-STATIC contains both data raster layers (e.g., geocoded geometry layers) and product metadata.
CSLC-NI: Product Specification Document, Sample Product, and Interactive Guides
RTC-S1: Product Specification Document, Static Product Specification Document, Sample Product, and Interactive Guides
RTC-S1 Product Specification Document
- The RTC-S1 Product Specification document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-2 Radiometric Terrain-Corrected (RTC) product that uses Sentinel-1 SLC data as the primary image-based input.
RTC-S1-STATIC Product Specification Document
- The RTC-S1-Static Product Specification document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-2 Radiometric Terrain-Corrected SAR Backscatter from Sentinel-1 (RTC-S1) Static Layers (RTC-S1-STATIC) product. The RTC-S1-STATIC product provides radar geometry layers, such as local incidence angle or incidence angle, that describe the Sentinel-1 acquisition geometry associated with the OPERA RTC-S1 products with the same burst ID.
Interactive Guides
- Jupyter Notebook Tutorials — Introductory guides written in a Jupyter Notebook environment that showcases select applications
- Tutorial 1: How to mosaic and visualize RTC-S1 images
DISP-S1: Product Specification Document, Static Product Specification Document, Sample Product, and Interactive Guides
DISP-NI: Product Specification Document, Static Product Specification Document, Sample Product, and Interactive Guides