Alaska Satellite Facility - Distributed Active Archive Center


The ASF Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) specializes in collecting, processing, archiving, and distributing synthetic aperture radar data.

Discover SAR data fast and easy using Vertex Data Search 

Find and download SAR data with just a few lines of code using the Python Search Module 

Take advantage of the power of cloud computing using ASF HyP3 custom SAR processing

Explore a new paradigm in research collaboration and teaching with OpenScienceLab


ASF is a NASA EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Center

The ASF DAAC specializes in the collection, processing, archiving, and distribution of satellite and airborne-acquired SAR data. We continually strive to provide the fastest and most reliable data delivery possible, and are committed to developing the tools, services, and support that make SAR both more powerful and easier to use.

ASF leads the way in cloud computing and can provide the expertise to help you make the move into this exciting and virtually unlimited computing environment. ASF services such as HyP3 and OpenScienceLab can remove obstacles that can make big data processing so frustrating — important as the date for the launch of NISAR nears!

SAR Data How-To

Data Recipes help make using SAR data easier

ASF Image Gallery

Explore our selection of images from the ASF archive