Free/Open-Source Tools
ERDAS ER Viewer — The ERDAS ER Viewer is an easy-to-use image viewer featuring interactive roaming and zooming with very large JPEG 2000 and ECW files.
GMT5SAR — GMTSAR is an open-source (GNU General Public License) Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (INSAR) processing system designed for users familiar with Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
InSAR ISCE — INSAR Scientific Computing Environment is a flexible and extensible computing environment for geodetic image processing for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), available to WInSAR members.
LIZARDTECH GeoViewer — Display MrSID imagery, raster imagery, LiDAR point clouds, and vector overlays in one standalone application.
PolSARPro — The Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Tool aims to facilitate the accessibility and exploitation of multi-polarized SAR datasets.
pyroSAR — A Python Framework for Large-Scale SAR Satellite Data Processing.
SARViews — A fully automatic processing system that produces value-added products to monitor natural disasters. The SARVIEWS processor is implemented in the Amazon Cloud and utilizes modern processing technology to generate geocoded and fully terrain-corrected image time series, as well as INSAR data over areas affected by natural disasters.
Sentinel-1 Toolbox — A collection of processing tools, data-product readers and writers, and a display-and-analysis application to support the large archive of data from ESA SAR missions, including SENTINEL-1, ERS-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT, JAXA’s ALOS PALSAR, as well as third-party SAR data from TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, and RADARSAT-2.
Worldview Quick Look Tool — This tool from NASA’s EOSDIS provides the capability to interactively browse global, full-resolution satellite imagery and download the underlying data. Most of the 100+ available products are updated within three hours of observation.
Commercial Tools
ENVI — ENVI provides advanced, user-friendly tools to read, explore, prepare, analyze, and share information extracted from all types of imagery.
ERDAS IMAGINE — ERDAS IMAGINE performs advanced remote sensing analysis and spatial modeling to create new information.
GAMMA — The GAMMA SAR and Interferometry Software is a collection of programs that allows the processing of SAR, INSAR, and differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR) data for airborne and spaceborne SAR systems.
Geomatica — Geomatica is a single, integrated software system for remote sensing and image processing.