With special thanks to…
Dr. Frank Carsey, 1995-1997 Chief Scientist of the Alaska SAR Facility, for direction and encouragement, and
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, officials and teachers for cooperation, direction, and participation in both formal and informal assessment and review, and
UAF School of Education, for beginning and completing Glacier Power with us.
Lead Author and Editor-in-Chief
Donna Sandberg, ASF Education Outreach Team Leader
Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF)
Artists, Writers, Research and Assistant Writing
Animations, Computer Art
Ben Barton, Computer Art Student
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Cartoons, Legend of Miner Ed, and Glacier Anatomy
Donna Redhead
Freelance Author/Illustrator
Fairbanks, Alaska
Glacier Illustrations
Amy Stubsjoen
Freelance Artist
Fairbanks, Alaska
Erica Herbert
Freelance Artist
Fairbanks, Alaska
Author of Lesson Plans
Claude (Chip) McMillan III, Professor
School of Education, UAF
Vocabulary Exercises
Amy Bethune
Student Assistant
ASF Science Division
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Glacier Detectives
Shelly Worley
Graduate Student Assistant
ASF Science Division
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Dave Sanches
Research Technician
ASF Operations Division
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Advisors and Contributors
Science Content Specialist
Dr. Craig Lingle, Glaciologist
ASF Science Division
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Science Advisors
Dr. William Harrison,
Prof. of Glaciology and Geophysics
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Dr. Keith Echelmeyer,
Prof. of Glaciology and Geophysics
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Dr. Nettie La Belle-Hamer, ASF Director
Alaska Satellite Facility
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Education Advisors
Dennis Schall, Professor
School of Education, UAF
Claude (Chip) McMillan III, Professor
School of Education, UAF
Neal Brown, Professor
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Tom George, ASF Planning Manager
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Other Advisors
Terry P. Dickey, Education Coordinator
University of Alaska Museum
Geophysical Institute/UAF Contributors
Kristina Ahlnas, Remote Sensing Specialist
ASF Science Division
Dennis R. Fatland, Ph.D. Candidate
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Rick Guritz, ASF Technology
ASF Science Division
Bob Huebert, Viz Systems Analyst
Alaska Region Supercomputing Center
Dr. Craig Lingle, Glaciologist
ASF Science Division
Matt Nolan, Ph.D. Candidate
Geophysical Institute, UAF
James Roush, Graduate Research Assistant
Mike Shindle, Graduate Student Assistant
ASF Science Division
Other Contributors
Austin Post Collection, USGS
Dr. Juerg Alean
Harvey Bowers
Dr. Sue A. Ferguson
Dr. Dorothy Hall
Dr. Michael Hambrey
Rod March, USGS
Dr. Bruce Molnia
Ron Rose
Gordin Q. Robin
Robert P. Sharp
Implementation Team
Implementation Team Leader
Allison Kipple, World Wide Web Designer
Alaska SAR Facility
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Implementation Team
Dan LaSota, Microcomputer Specialist
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Matt Barkdull, Microcomputer Specialist
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Jeff Beiderbeck, Microcomputer Specialist
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Video and Sound Engineering
Jim Desrochers, Video Engineer
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Rick Guritz, ASF Technology
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Joe Riley, TV Producer, Director, Sound Engineer
KUAC Public TV and Radio
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Clerical Support
Monica Court, Desktop Publisher
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Cheryl Stahl, Word Processor
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Cheryl Katje, ASF User Services Consultant
Geophysical Institute, UAF
Glacier Power Lessons based on the Glacier Power software product
Glacier Power, a SOFTWARE PRODUCT, its teacher’s guide, and the accompanying printed materials are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. Glacier Power, its overall concept, written text, and design is copyrighted ©1997, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska; many of the resources (including, but not limited to photos, images, diagrams, videos, sounds, etc.) contained in Glacier Power and its teacher’s guide have been copyrighted by others who have contributed their work for limited use within Glacier Power or allowed their work to be supplemented in Glacier Power within the strict guidelines of nonprofit educational use only. For anyone interested in using such works for other purposes, an extensive cross listing of contributors is provided within Glacier Power. Except as provided below, all rights are reserved. Distribution is authorized through the NASA MTPE Education Group, NASA CORE, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks only. Any subsequent transfer/resale of Glacier Power is not allowed unless this copyright notice is affixed to the original SOFTWARE PRODUCT being transferred, the teacher’s guide and all other materials originally provided with each Glacier Power are transferred to one individual, and the transfer is at no profit. Glacier Power, its resources, its teacher’s guide, and the accompanying printed materials may not be reproduced without prior written permission. For nonprofit classroom educational use only, you may loan, duplicate, or otherwise make available to another nonprofit educational user Glacier Power, its resources, its teacher’s guide, or the accompanying printed materials. All unauthorized uses are punishable under applicable laws.