Alaska Satellite Facility - Distributed Active Archive Center

International Polar Year 2007-2009

International Polar Year (IPY) was a collaborative research event focused on the Arctic and Antarctic. The history of IPY started in 1882 with the first year-long International Polar Year. Since then, a second IPY occurred in 1932-33 and an International Geophysical Year took place in 1957 -1958. The fourth IPY spanned two years (2007-2009) in order to emphasize a sense of urgency in polar research.

Graphic shows the sensors frequencies and optics involved in the Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year project. Enlargement in the overview below.


International Polar Year (IPY) was a collaborative research event focused on the Arctic and Antarctic. The history of IPY started in 1882 with the first year-long International Polar Year. Since then, a second IPY occurred in 1932-33 and an International Geophysical Year took place in 1957-8. Organized by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the fourth IPY spanned two years (2007-2009) in order to emphasize a sense of urgency in polar research. As polar research has continued, IPY has recognized that changes in polar areas have a global impact.

Changes in the extent, thickness and duration of snow and ice in polar regions affect local ecosystems and economic hot spots like fisheries and agricultural areas. Millions of lives around the globe, especially those living in the north, are affected by these changes in food and water availability and arctic pollution. IPY 07-09 focused on collaborative research and extensively explored the complex relationships between the Arctic and Antarctic and other elements. Over 60 countries and thousands of researchers participated, investigating more than 200 projects. Topics included Arctic and Antarctic relationships with geophysical elements, oceans and sea ice, Earth’s atmosphere, space, and human relations (a new IPY topic).

The focus on collaborative research was intended to build a foundation of international, interdisciplinary partnerships in the scientific community that would continue after IPY 07-09 ended. Cooperative research partnerships would aid polar research in making progress with fewer obstacles, and allow scientists and global communities alike to understand the effects of change in polar regions.


Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY)

ASF hosts an archive of the IPY project titled the Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY). GIIPSY’s objective was to obtain high-definition satellite snapshots of the polar regions during 2007-2008. The primary purpose is to use these snapshots as benchmarks for gauging past and future environmental changes in the polar ice, ocean, and land.


GIIPSY missions snapshot

GIIPSY Missions Snapshot

In the spirit of IPY, GIIPSY scientists also seek to secure these datasets as our legacy to the next generations of polar scientists. GIIPSY comprises a group of polar scientists from around the world who have assembled a consolidated list of thematic objectives that call upon the collective resources of international and national space agencies. The programmatic goal is to identify ways in which the resources of space-faring countries can be used in such a way as to collect data with which to address these scientific objectives, without putting undo burden on any single organisation. To that end, GIIPSY seeks cooperation in terms of spaceborne instruments, data relay systems, ground segments, processing, and data archiving and distribution capabilities.

Expand the sections below to view content.  Access the full content on a single page by clicking the button.

International Polar Year – GIIPSY Documents, Publications, and Mission Plans

International Polar Year – GIIPSY Documents, Publications, and Mission Plans


GIIPSY Proposal to ICSU/WMO Joint Committee on IPY
GIIPSY Endorsement Letter
Letter announcing ESA IPY AO
GIIPSY vu-graph package
Data Strategy 3.0 NEW!

GIIPSY Close Out Package (pptx, pdf, ppt)

Science Data Requirements and Mission Planning

The following files summarize a community assessment of GIIPSY satellite data requirements. Detailed requirements and justifications are discussed in the GIIPSY Science Requirements Document. A consolidated and numbered set of science themes are listed in GIIPSY Thematic Objectives. These were presented and tentatively adopted by the Space Task Group. A spread sheet linking GIIPSY thematic objectives by number to specific observational requirements is included as the GIIPSY Check List. The GIIPSY Check List also refers to image and digital maps listed below.

GIIPSY Science Requirements Document
GIIPSY Thematic Objectives
GIIPSY Check List


Image Maps of Coverage


Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets
IPY ImageryAntarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets
Antarctic Coastline
Antarctic Coastline
West Antarctic Ice Streams
West Antarctic Ice Streams
Coates Land Ice Streams
Coates Land Ice Streams
Greenland Coast Line
Greenland Coast Line


Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
IPY ImageryArctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
Arctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
Arctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
Arctic Winter Sea Ice Extent
Arctic Winter Sea Ice Extent
Antarctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
Antarctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
Antarctic Winter Sea Ice Extent
Antarctic Winter Sea Ice Extent


IPY ImageryGlaciers and Permafrost
Arctic Canada Ice Caps
Arctic Canada Ice Caps
Northern Ice Caps
Northern Ice Caps
Permafrost Extent
Permafrost Extent


Lake and River Ice

Lake and River Locations
Lake and River Ice Description File (text file)


Digital Maps



1997 RAMP Coastline—Antarctica (SPA Format)
1997 RAMP Coastline—Arc Export



Greenland Coastline—Arc Export



Arctic Canada Ice Caps (Shape file)


Sea Ice

Arctic Summer Sea Ice Extent (raster data)
Arctic Winter Sea Ice Extent
Antarctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
Antarctic Winter Sea Ice Extent
Sea ice data format (text file)



Permafrost extent (shape file)



EOS December 12, 2006
ASF Newsletter
EGU ‘07 Poster
Space Research Today
WMO State and fate of the polar cryosphere
Earthzine Article
Space Technology Today
Imaging Notes
Environmental Geology
Environmental Earth Science Gottwald
EOS 2010


Mission Plans

IPY Proposal Selections

ESA Selections
DLR Selections
NASA Selections


IPY Space Agency Data Portfolio Information and AO Links

ESA IPY Data Portfolio — June
CSA IPY Data Portfolio — June
ESA IPY Data Portfolio — Nov
NESDIS IPY Portfolio
DLR Data Portfolio
DLR Data Portfolio Access
ISRO AO Information — OceanSat–2
ASI IPY Data Portfolio (Battazza)
TEMIS Atmospheric Products
JAXA Products
Dataset Sampler and Demonstration



IGOS Cryopshere
ESA Data Access
Radarsat SPA Archive
ESA Data Portal: ESA catalogue of portals


Other Data Links

MERIS Images
Atmospheric Chemistry
SCIA Data Browser
STG Members and EOS Co-Author List

International Polar Year – GIIPSY – Space Task Group Meetings 2006 - 2008

International Polar Year – GIIPSY – Space Task Group Meetings 2006 – 2008


  • Briefing to WMO, GEO and IPY JCOMM SCOBS, Oct. 12 (Drinkwater)
  • Briefing to IGOS Cryosphere Team, Oct. 16, ESTEC
  • Briefing at NSIDC, Oct. 25, Boulder
  • Presentation at IGS Nordic Branch, Tromso, Oct. 2006 (Lytle)
  • GIIPSY participation in CSA Radarsat-1 Archive Processing Meeting, Nov. 8, Ottawa
  • GIIPSY Team meeting, Dec 12
  • Briefing to WCRP CLiC, Boulder, Colorado, Dec. 6 (Drinkwater)

International Polar Year 2007-2008

AGU Fall Meeting GIIPSY (December 12, 2006)

Marriott Convention Center, Room Sierra K, San Francisco | 6:00PM-8:30PM


Draft Agenda


Perspectives (~45-60min)

10 min GIIPSY Overview and Meeting Objectives (K. Jezek)
~5 min discussion on how GIIPSY fits into IPY (D. Carlson)
~5 min IGOS and GIIPSY (V. Ryabinin)
~5 min ESA presentation on ESA IPY AO proposals (Einar-Arne Herland, ESA)
~5 min CSA perspective on GIIPSY and Radarsat-1 Archive (P. Briand)
~5 min Japanese perspective on GIIPSY (J. Ukita)
~5 min NASA perspective on GIIPSY (S. Martin)
~5 min Ground Station perspective on processing large volumes of data (N. La Belle-Hamer)
~5 min DLR perspective on GIIPSY (K. Jezek for I. Hajnsek)


Topics for discussion (K. Farness) (1-1.5 hour)

1) Community input to flight agencies on archival data processing and new data acquisitions

2) Identify key IPY legacy data set(s)
When? (for example: during windows of seasonal melt or alternatively during cycles of ICESAT data acquisitions?)

3) Related issues and potential additional resources
Sensors and Spacecraft
Acquisition Planning
Receiving Ground Stations
Processing Facilities
Calibration and Validation

4) Data management issues
Processing and product distribution
Product format
Metadata tagging for data explicitly collected for IPY including:
Insitu data
GIIPSY pull from the CSA archive




  • Space Task Group meeting in Geneva, January 17-19, 2007
  • IPY Launch Event, Paris, March 1, 2007
  • Space Task Group telecom, June 15, 2007 – (ESA Data Portfolio)
  • Space Task Group Telecon, August 8, 2007 – (ASAP (RADARSAT-1) Portfolio)
  • IICWG, October 2007, ESRIN, Frascatti
  • Space Task Group Meeting, November 26-27, 2007, Darmstadt (Agenda, Presentation, and Background Material)

International Polar Year 2007-2008


STG Meeting Geneva, WMO Headquarters (January 17-19, 2007)

Geneva, WMO Headquarters
Day 1
Day 2
  • Leaving an IPY legacy
  • “The Polar Snapshot” K. JezekExample Acquisitions
  • Geo Contribution (M. Rast and E. Sarukhanian)
  • Mechanisms for collecting IPY data requirements
  • SCOBS survey of IPY sat. data needs (E. Sarukhanian)
  • Other Agency IPY AOs (All)
  • Establishing the priorities for near-term/medium-term/long-term actions
  • Acquisition planning/Tasking satellites (All)
  • Data Management/Metadata standards (All)
  • Archiving and Data Distribution (All)
  • Data Policy (All)
  • Discussion on Agency Commitments
  • Baseline plans for data acquisitions
  • Archiving and distribution
Day 3 (half-day)
  • Missing Agencies
  • Consolidation of Action Items
  • Time and place of next Meeting
  • Meeting Closure
Summary Documents

Report to CM-7
Slides presented by T. Mohr to CM-7
STG1 Summary



Space Task group of the IPY Sub-Committee on Observations (November 26-27, 2007)

Eumetsat, Darmstadt, Germany


Agenda, Presentation Summary, Attendees



Presentations (presenter initials — topic)


1. MD — Agenda
3. JL — HRPT Coverage
4. MG — DLR
6. ET — CNES
7. ES — JC
8. YC — CSA
10. HL — ESA
11. FL — NASA
12. PCC — NOAA
13. OG — IPY-DM


Related Materials

TerraSAR-X Anim​ation
TerraSAR-X Animation (short version)


Supporting Documents

Doc 1 IPY STG 2 Agenda
Doc 2 IPY STG1 Summary
Doc 3 IPY STG Telecon 1 Minutes
Doc 4 IPY STG Telecon 2 Minutes
Doc 5 IPY SCOBS Report
Doc 6 IPY IGEOLAB Report
IPY STG-2 Outcome of CGMS


Summary Documents

Draft Minutes
Updated Minutes
IPY STG2 Summary Report
IPY STG Slides to CM-8



  • STG SAR Workshop, March 2008, St. Hubert (Agenda, Presentations, and Background Material)
  • Space Task Group Meeting, May 5-6, 2008, ESRIN Frascati, Italy (Details and Summary Reports)
  • STG IPY Session, SCAR, July 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • STG SAR Workshop 2, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2008, DLR Oberpfaffenhovfen, Germany (Details)


International Polar Year 2007-2008


Space Task Group of the IPY Sub-Committee on Observations SAR Workshop (March 5-6, 2008)

Canadian Space Agency, St. Hubert, Canada


As part of ongoing IPY Space Task Group activities, the Canadian Space Agency hosted an IPY SAR/InSAR workshop in response to an action item from STG-1. The goal of the meeting was to develop an acquisition strategy for SAR and InSAR data that achieves the maximum number of IPY science objectives in such a way as to distribute the acquisition load across the different agencies – understanding that no single agency can accommodate all of the tasks. This will require a level of coordination between the space agencies that has not yet been attempted. The workshop focused on data acquisition requirements, as outlined by the scientific community, based on Agency strategic plans for IPY and unique capabilities of their systems. Data processing and distribution issues were briefly addressed but the primary objective was to populate the archive given the unique opportunity of IPY.

The workshop main tasks were:

1) To review existing GIIPSY science requirements as outlined in the Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIISPY) Strategy Document.

2) To present the Agencies strategic priorities in line with IPY science activities.

3) To present and review SAR data which are being collected, and are planned for collection during the IPY.

4) To present the satellite and ground segment operators system capabilities and constraints related to the acquisition of data in support to IPY.

5) To attempt to forge a coordinated / multi-agency SAR acquisition plan for the remainder of IPY acquisitions.

In order to meet these ambitious objectives, invited attendees, which include members of the science and operational communities, space agencies operating SAR satellite; space agencies with data transmission, ground segment and processing capabilities, and ground segment operators, were requested to actively contribute to the achievement of the workshop objectives.


Logistical Information

Map to CSA


Agenda and Presentations

Meeting Introduction (YC)
STG Background (YC)
GIIPSY Background (KJ)
ESA Portfolio (HL)
ESA and IPY (YD)
ESA Constraints (HL)
DLR Strategic Objectives (ED)
DLR IPY Data Constraints (ED)
TerraSAR Capabilities (DF)
TerraSAR Data Access (DF)
CSA Strategic Objectives (YC)
R1 Constraints (RSJ)
R2 Allocation (DdL)
Ice Services (DL)
CNES Complementary Optical Studies (ET)
Summary and Action Items (YC and KJ)
Meeting Minutes
Participants List


Data Acquisition Plans

Strawman Acquisition Strategy Spreadsheet
Antarctic Acquisition Template
Sea Ice Acquisition Template
Arctic Land Ice Acquisition template



Space Task Group of the IPY Sub-Committee on Observations (May 5-6, 2008)

ESRIN, Frascati, Italy


Logistical Information

Frascati Map
Rail Info
Frascati Info




Background Documents

SAR Coordination Summary: CSA Workshop
STG 2 Meeting Notes
STG 3 Doc 2 (IPY Status)
STG 3 Doc 4 (Global Cryosphere Watch)
List of Documents
Preliminary List of Participants



1. IPY Status
2. SAON Results
3. SAR Workshop Summary
4. GIIPSY Update
5. ASI COSMO-SkyMed IPY Status
6. JAXA IPY Status
7. CNES IPY Status
8. CSA IPY Status
9. DLR IPY Status
10. ESA IPY Status
12. NOAA IPY Status
13. IGeoLab WMO Report
14. Data Management
16. Global Cryosphere Watch
17. VisIR Progress


Summary Material

Request on Radarsat Letter
Meeting Notes



Space Task Group of the IPY Sub-Committee on Observations SAR Workshop (September 30 – October 1, 2008)

DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany


As a follow up to the STG action to enhance the coordination among the SAR Space Agencies in response to the IPY scientific objectives, a SAR/InSAR coordination workshop was held on 5/6 March 2008 at the Canadian Space Agency. As a result of this meeting, the SAR operating Agencies agreed on the strategic guidelines for imaging activities and for thematic priorities as outlined by the science community. Despite the significant way forward and considerable efforts we are putting to fulfill our commitments, there is still a need to develop a SAR Acquisition Consolidated Plan and discuss the way forward for a SAR processing strategy and data dissemination plan.

As part of the SAR coordination process, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is organising a second meeting to address the harmonisation and coordination of the acquisition plans. The objectives of this meeting are:

* Consolidate the current SAR planning and imaging activities occurring under the auspices of IPY/STG in order to avoid gaps and overlaps and optimize resources (i.e. thematic / instrument matrix, common planning tool, etc.)
* Distribute imaging load according to Agencies’ capacities and priorities, and develop acquisition plans
* Look at a short/med/long term planning approach to continue the acquisitions (if at all possible)

The meeting will be held at the DLR facilities in Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany).
We now established the date of the workshop on 30 Sept./1 Oct.2008.


Logistical Information

Directions to DLR
Hotels close to DLR
Hotels in Munich
DRAFT Agenda


GIIPSY Draft Acquisition Plan Recommendation for TSX.

These plans were prepared to provide DLR with an estimate of SAR loading for Antarctic regions south of about –80°. Comments welcome. These are in addition to any individual proposals and to several super-site areas that the STG is considering in Greenland and Antarctica.

Filchner Ascending
Filchner Descending
TAM Ascending
TAM Descending


JAXA IPY Web Site (Comments welcomed by Dr. Masanobu Shimada)

Japanese: JAXA website | JAXA IPY Dataset page

English: JAXA website | JAXA IPY Dataset page

PALSAR Animations. Antarctic: /A/B/C


ESA/ESRIN Acquisitions and Plans

Information on upcoming ERS-2 acquisition from O’Higgins Station
Acquisition map for O’Higgins Station
Animation of ESA SAR data over Lincoln Sea. Courtesy Ron Kwok
Participants List





1) Buckreuss and Roth, DLR
2) Crevier, CSA
3) Jezek, OSU
4) Del Rio Vera, Drinkwater and Laur, ESA
5) Saint-Jean, CSA
6) Rigby, MDA
7) Hajnsek, DLR
8) Floricioiu, DLR
9) Braun, U Bonn
10) Helm and Miller, AWI
11) Hall, KSAT



TSX Subgroup meeting (Thursday, Oct 2)
SAR Subgroup meeting Summary


Meeting Minutes

Followup Telecon Minutes

International Polar Year – GIIPSY – Space Task Group Meetings 2009 - 2011

International Polar Year – GIIPSY – Space Task Group Meetings 2009 – 2011


  • STG Meeting, February 2009, Geneva (Agenda, Presentations, and Background Material)
  • 3rd SAR Workshop, June 2009, Frascatti (Agenda, Presentations, and Background Material)
  • STG Meeting, December 2009, Geneva (Agenda, Presentations, and Background Material)

International Polar Year 2007-2008


IPY Space Task Group Meeting (February 3-4, 2009)




  1. Drinkwater
  2. Sarukhanian
  3. Crevier
  4. Gottwald (DLR portfolio)
  5. Gottwald (polar atmosphere)
  6. GOME animation
  7. SO2 image
  8. Godoy
  9. Thouvenot
  10. Key (NOAA Portfolio)
  11. a. Key (Polar Atmosphere)
    b. Key (HRPT)
  12. Goodison
  13. Ryan
  14. Del Rio Vera
  15. Arctic Flash Image
  16. Antarctic Flash Image
  17. a. Crevier (CSA update)
    b. Crevier (Greenland)
    c. Crevier (Antarctica)
    d. Crevier (Polar Coms)
  18. Key (CEOS gap analysis)
  19. GIIPSY Activities and Status (KJ presented by KF)
  20. Etna Deformation Video
  22. USGS 1
  23. USGS 2
  24. USGS 3
  25. USGS 4
Background Material

SAR Coordination Group Report (Crevier)
Draft Data Processing Strategy 3


Minutes of Meeting



Space Task Group of the IPY Sub-Committee on Observations SAR Workshop (June 23-24, 2009)

ESRIN, Frascatti, Italy


Participants List





CSA Data Portfolio Update (Crevier)
ASAR Acquisition Strategy Update (Del Rio Vera)
DLR TXS Update (Floricioiu)
NASA MEaSUREs (Dobson)
ASI IPY Data Portfolio (Battazza)
DUE Projects in the Cryosphere (Seifert)
ESA Climate Change Initiative (Arino)
PolarView — BAS (Flemming)
PolarView — DTU (Pederson)
Data Processing Strategy (Jezek)
RAMP Metadata (Farness)
IPY STG Communications (Drinkwater)



Minutes Prepared by D. Ball



IPY Space Task Group Meeting (November 30 – December 2, 2009)






IPY Status
SAR Coodination
ASI Data Portfolio
Atmospheric Data
DLR Portfolio
CSA Report
Polar Communications, Space and Arctic
IPY Data Managmeent
Space and the Arctic
Global Cryospheric watch
International Polar Decade


Meeting Summary


Functions and Requirements Document



Oslo IPY Meeting and STG Meeting (June) (Agenda, Presentations, and Background Material)


International Polar Year 2007-2008


IPY Space Task Group Meeting (June 10, 2010)

Oslo, Longyearbyen Room (S20), 09:00hrs – 17:00hrs


Agenda (Very Preliminary)


Background Material

Drinkwater et al Presentation (PPT)
Drinkwater et al Presentation (PDF)
STG Accomplishments (PPT)
CSA SAR Working Group Summary
Conference Location and Space Posters Info


Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year

The International Council for Science (ICSU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) approved the Global Interagency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY) as an 2007-2008 IPY project (Project #91). High-definition satellite snapshots of the Arctic and Antarctic would be invaluable polar documentation for comparing with past and future datasets. Therefore, GIIPSY worked to establish an international network of organizations willing to collaborate with their spaceborne satellites and share data processing, archiving, and distributing responsibilities. The IPY Space Task Group (STG) served as an intermediary between GIIPSY and international space agencies. GIIPSY was able to reach its goals by working with eight national space agencies and their spaceborne satellites.


Contact Information


Kenneth Jezek
1090 Carmack Road
Columbus, OHIO 43210
Phone: 614-292-7973
Email: [email protected]


Mark Drinkwater
Head, Mission Science Division
Earth Observations
Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +31 (0)71-565-5673
Fax: +31 (0)71-565-5675


Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY)

ASF hosts an archive of the IPY project titled the Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY). GIIPSY’s objective was to obtain high-definition satellite snapshots of the polar regions during 2007-2008. The primary purpose is to use these snapshots as benchmarks for gauging past and future environmental changes in the polar ice, ocean, and land.

In the spirit of IPY, GIIPSY scientists also seek to secure these datasets as our legacy to the next generations of polar scientists. GIIPSY comprises a group of polar scientists from around the world who have assembled a consolidated list of thematic objectives that call upon the collective resources of international and national space agencies. The programmatic goal is to identify ways in which the resources of space-faring countries can be used in such a way as to collect data with which to address these scientific objectives, without putting undo burden on any single organisation. To that end, GIIPSY seeks cooperation in terms of spaceborne instruments, data relay systems, ground segments, processing, and data archiving and distribution capabilities.

IPY Data Archive

ASF was tasked with making its rich archive of imagery from the polar regions available to the science community for IPY. Satellite images over these remote regions allow researchers to make observations without facing extreme temperatures and with great cost savings.

Data were made available through a collaborative effort between the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), NASA, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). Funding was provided from both UAF and NASA for the project. ASF’s goal is to continue to make these data available to a new generation of researchers interested in studying the Arctic or Antarctic.

How to Download IPY Data

To access the IPY datasets, first create an Earthdata account if you don’t already have one. Then click a dataset link below.

If your account is new, or you are unable to download data, please contact User Services or via the phone number at the bottom of this page. Ask to have IPY and unrestricted dataset permissions set.

Download IPY Datasets

Greenland L0 Kongsberg
Greenland Level 0 (September 2000-January 2001)
Greenland Level 1 (September 2000-January 2001)
Antarctica Level 1 (September 2000-January 2001)
Toolik Station Level 1 (October 2004-December 2006)
Kamchatka Level 1 (December 1999-January 2000)
Sea Ice Snapshots (Min & Max Snapshots, September-March of 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007)  

Citation Information

How to Cite Data

Cite data in publications such as journal papers, articles, presentations, posters, and websites. Please send copies of, or links to, published works citing data, imagery, or tools accessed through ASF to [email protected]” with “New Publication” on the subject line.

Dataset: RADARSAT-1, CSA [year of data acquisition]. Retrieved from ASF DAAC [day month year of data access].Dataset: RADARSAT-1, CSA 1999. Retrieved from ASF DAAC 7 December 2014.



How to Cite Imagery

Include credit with each image shown in publications such as journal papers, articles, presentations, posters, and websites. (NASA does not copyright imagery.)

© CSA [year of data acquisition]© CSA 2002

See Products tab.